Monthly Archives: July 2015



There is nothing impossible for a life surrendered to the Lord. He is the God of possibilities, the God of dreams, he is a creative God.  We do not need to be afraid to dream with him, to dream the dreams he gives us. Wonder where the dream comes from? Search God’s word; take the dream to him for confirmation. Some dreams will only come to pass as we involve the Lord in them. Great dreamers needed Continue reading

Beginning the Day

Sunrise on FieldsIf any of you are like me, I at time tend to hit the floor running, rushing headlong into the day when my list is long and I feel pressured to go, go go.   Then come evening I am bone tired and weary, wondering where did this day go and just what do I have to show for all my efforts.

At such times it seems I can almost hear the Lord kindly whispering to me, Continue reading

God’s Got Answers

bible and lampAs I contemplate nature through the seasons, I marvel at the changing display of colors. There are not just yellows, blues and purples, but the entire spectrum of the color wheel; vivid and soft hues to please the senses. Oh how God colors our world; how creative his designs in nature and our lives. He imagined the unimaginable and brought it into existence from nothing. If he can do that, God surely has a creative Continue reading

My Heart

Heavenly Papa,

My heart is at home with you. In childlike faith I come running into your throne room, knowing I am accepted and loved, that you will not turn me away. In complete abandonment I dance before you with uncontrollable joy, just from being in your presence. My spirit takes flight as I see Your smile and arms open wide. I run, leaping into your lap, snuggling close, getting lost in the ecstasy of your warm embrace.

New Ways

As I was preparing the luncheon for a conference, the day gave way to evening and the final task, the pulling part of pulled chicken. As I faced the forty pounds of boneless chicken breast that had simmered all day to perfection, a dread swept over me, with two forks in hand the thought comes – I will never see the back side of my eyelids tonight. Okay, first I must admit it was Continue reading

Love’s Choice

I love that the Lord gives us choices, sometimes I think it would be easier if we didn’t have so many, but he wants us to love him by choice not because we have to. There is a quote from Richard Bach “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back                                                                       they’re yours, if they don’t they never were”.

Mr. Bach’s quote is not exact in our context with the Lord – for we are His creation, yet the Lord has set us free to make our own choices, including Continue reading

Into The World

world map

Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all.” Mark 16:15 MSG

Jesus instructs us to go, to get out from the safety of the church walls and into the world. What does going into the world look like? What compels us to go besides a scripture passage? Are we limited to places we can go?

I recently listened Continue reading

Freedom – Nothing Left to Lose

DoveJanis Joplin sang a song with the lyrics “Freedom is Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose”.  How true those words are.  When we come to the end of ourselves and surrender all to the Lord, we find we have nothing of our own value worth keeping, but all in Christ to gain.

Why don’t we like the words surrender and brokenness?  Why do our hearts race or we become faint with limp limbs and pale faces at the thought? Do we Continue reading