Monthly Archives: February 2016

Dive Into the Depths of My Heart

I’m sharing a word and painting from my friend, Danielle, with her permission. I hope it speaks to you as it did to me.

    Dive by Danielle T ‘Dive into the depths of my heart‘ – I actually woke up saying this one morning. For months following I asked God ‘How?’ ‘How do I do that?’ And one day, overwhelmed by the question I just started to paint this dive painting, and when I finished, He answered me:
    It all comes down to one decision when you’re standing on the end of the dock. It’s not about what every motion and every moment of the dive will look like. It’s just that one decision. To dive. To lunge into the unknown. And once you do, then it’s impossible to look back, to turn around, to stop.                                      He also spoke about the water in my wake (the bubbles) behind me, like chaos erupting from the dive. For me this was people’s opinions and voices responding to what looked reckless to them – this  life of abandonment to God. He said “It’s important to remember it’s behind you“. I also saw how it was a decision I made alone. No one can make you do this, and no one can stop you when you do. The decision is yours. And lastly, ‘you can’t breathe under water — so it’s entirely about trust‘ Trusting He’ll keep you and sustain you in the impossible.  I also saw in the painting that it was darker the deeper I dove, and how I hadn’t expected this. I expected I would find the most light in this place, but instead I pondered how it could be I was actually heading toward dark depths. “He makes darkness his secret place”. Immediately He spoke to me “My word is a lamp unto your feet” and I knew this meant I would have to live only by every word He spoke in this place. And finally, He reminded me that He will give you treasures out of darkness. That there are treasures hidden in that unknown place, and the only way to find them, is to dive there.  Continue reading

New Day

Thpetunia in sunlight - onlineis is a day I have created. You are My child I also created and purposed to be in this day. I have plans for you to walk out; your surrendered heart and yielded spirit is what I have waited for. Take My hand, trust in me and let me lead. It will be an exciting journey, your senses will be opened as never before, your eyes will see fresh and new things, you will see old things in new ways. You will understand what escaped you before. Yield to my presence as you begin this day, then it shall be a day as no other, there is no hum-drum life in My presence, it is vibrant, exciting, full of life and possibilities. Come, enter in, and enjoy.


Come Close

shepherd - onlineCome close. Come listen to my words, hear my heart for you, you are not alone in this day, I have not abandoned you and I never will. I am for you, do not fear anyone who opposes you, I am on your side and will fight for you. As you listen to me I will guide you to still waters, though we may pass turbulent streams along the way we won’t stop there, do not be afraid of what you see, keep your eyes focused on me. Come close, listen to my voice alone, let my words and presence fill you with peace.

Ready for a Day?

turtles - onlineThis is a day I have created. You are My child I also created and purposed to be in this day. I have plans for you to walk out; your surrendered heart and yielded spirit is what I have
waited for. Take My hand, trust in me and let me lead. It will be an exciting journey, your senses will be opened as never before, your eyes will see fresh and new things, you will see old things in new ways. You will understand what escaped you before. Yield to my presence as you begin this day, then it shall be a day as no other, there is no hum-drum life in My presence, it is vibrant, exciting, full of life and possibilities. Come, enter in, and enjoy.

Not Alone

My chands-1509113-638x425hild, why be anxious? Do you not know I planned for you from the beginning of time, My hand is not too short to meet your every need. Look to Me in moments of distress, of overwhelm, I am right here, ready to assist, to lift a burden, to fill you with peace, to encourage you. I will provide you with the wisdom, understanding and knowledge you need. I am a provider – like a good Father. I know what you have need of, I do not give you a task I will not equip you for, involve me in all your doings; having a partner divides the labor and lightens the load, especially when it is I, for I am willing to carry the heavier part. Have you not heard, My burden is easy – my yoke is light? Won’t you invite me in and allow me to do as I said I would? You do not need to fear or be distressed, I am only a whisper away, My peace is free for the taking. Rest in me and be refreshed, renew you mind on my promises and let us start this day together,

What a glorious day awaits, come what may we don’t go it alone.