Category Archives: Choice

Raise the Bar

   Raise the bar and set it high. If we have a low expectation for our Christian walk we might easily achieve it but deny ourselves what could have been.

   Apostle Paul said his goal was to know Christ, to be like Christ, and to be all Christ had in mind for him to be. Paul makes several claims in Philippians 3 (TPT).

   v9 “My passion is to be consumed with him…”

   v10 “I continually long to know the wonders of Jesus more fully and to experience the overflowing power of his resurrection working in me.

   v12“I admit that I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing but I run with passion into his abundance so that I may reach the purpose for which Christ Jesus laid hold of me to make me his own”.

   God knit us together in our mother’s womb. When someone knits it’s with a purpose in mind, maybe it will be booties or a blanket to snuggle in. They pick the type of yarn, the colors, and the pattern depending on who it’s for and the purpose of the creation.

   Likewise, when God knit us together he picked certain traits and features, added abilities and gifting’s, certain likes, and motivations.  Can you just picture God picking out your 23 pairs of chromosomes and 10,000 plus genes that make you unique? He then lovingly knit them all together into a person called you.He did it with a purpose in mind.

   Paul didn’t depend on his own strength to accomplish fulfilling his purpose or discovering what it was; it came from time with God. Paul couldn’t go to the library to check out a book titled DISCOVERING PAUL’S PURPOSE FOR DUMMY’S and neither can we. We only get if from one source, our Creator, He alone holds the blueprint for our life.

   Paul further states “I have one compelling focus: I forget all of the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead”.

   Paul didn’t literally forget his past, but he turned his back on his old way of life to face the future. He left behind things that would take his focus away from Jesus or keep him from his purpose.

   Like Paul, in Jesus, we have a new future. Yet our past was not in vain; it is now our testimony of God’s grace for what He has done. God can use the bad in our past for good in our future.

   Consider Paul, he called himself a chief of sinners, and he went on to write a good chunk of the New Testament.

   If your like Paul saying, I haven’t yet acquired the absolute fullness that I’m pursuing but I want to run with passion into God’s abundance so that I may reach the purpose that he has called me to fulfill and I want to discover it…  is a good time to begin that discovery.

   Let’s raise the bar of our expectation.

Clearing Focus

The stars, clear and bright, twinkling in the night sky as I gaze through the window; what a delight. To put things into perspective, I live in city, though small, the lights and some pollution do not give the best of views. I have become accustomed to the way I normally see the night sky so having a clearer view is a delight. I see more stars than normal with a blacker backdrop for them with the absence of haze.

   Having this time of rest (aka quarantine) can allow us down time for reflection and refocus. How often do we get caught up in the busyness of life or the journey we are on, rushing here and there – for this or that, that we do not see other things around us as clearly as we ought?

   I was thinking of the Wise Men following the star, we read in Matthew 2 where they stopped in Jerusalem to ask “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East”? After hearing from King Herod “they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.” Why did they stop in Jerusalem, did they lose sight of the star they originally saw in the midst of their journey? Why after a time of rest in Jerusalem, while waiting for the answer, did they once again see the star which took them where they wanted to go?

   I don’t want to suggest anything into the Wise Men’s story beyond what is intended, just comparing it to some of my own journeys where I started with focus only to lose sight of it along the way, then needed down time to gain proper focus again. Some of those times were not of my choosing, caused extra frustration in the beginning, none the less it was needed and the Lord worked it out for my good.

   I’m certain during this time in our history we are all – all over the place, from time home alone, to being extra busy with children out of school, to a wide range of emotions, missing normal socialization, birthday and celebration gatherings. A question to consider – Lord, what do you want me know, to learn, in this time? Who do You want to be to me, or for me to know You as, in this situation.

   Like the night sky which is clearer and stars more visible, possibly due to decreased vehicle traffic, are we able during this time with decreased activities also see more clearly what is before us? Is this a good time to evaluate life, family dynamics, relationship with the Lord, activities, what we can live with or without, where are we headed from here; what do we want to change? How are we letting the Lord use this time for our good?

Will You Be Mine

rose after rain-online  Have you noticed some dating couples are content with a casual relationship? They spend more time with their individual friends and separate interests than with each other? Then other couples desire to be around each other frequently, pursuing similar interests and common friends. Someday, they will fully commit to each and marry. Other individuals know after the first or second date that this is the person they will spend the rest of their life devoted to; the relationship is full of passion and devotion. The woman anticipates the day her beloved asks “will you be mine?”

   Do you see these types or relationships playout in the spiritual realm? Some accept Jesus Christ as savior, have their “fire insurance” so to speak; they are safe from hell but only spend time with Jesus once a week; they are content with a casual relationship, not wanting to fully give up all their old ways. Then others upon accepting Jesus pursues a deeper relationship, you begin to see lifestyle changes as they grow in faith, they enjoy being with Jesus and other believers; yet the ways of world still has some draw. While other individuals leave no doubt when they say yes to Jesus; having heard Him ask “will you be mine?” they are completely sold out, head over heels in love, fully committed with radical life changes. They strip off all the old garments abandoning their former lifestyle in pursuit of the One who loves them the most and set them free.

   I marvel at married couples move in sync with each other like a well-oiled machine, gracefully flowing together in a beautiful dance of life. They sense what each other is feeling or thinking without a word spoken; always being attentive to each other, wanting good for them.  I marvel even more when I see individuals flow in sync with the Lord, dancing the dance of life together. They carry the beautiful presence of Jesus; the fragrance of heaven is on them. They are tuned into what the Lord is doing and strive to do likewise. They seem to embody the oneness Jesus speaks of in John 17:21.

   When you take inventory of your spiritual life, where do you fall? Casual, sold out, or somewhere in between? Do you hear Jesus asking “will you be mine?” Jesus the Groom is already committed to us; the question is where are we in our commitment to him. He doesn’t want, and I might add He doesn’t deserve, a casual relationship with us. He desires a bride who will be committed to Him, forsaking all other pursuers.

   Have you? Will you? Say yes… whole heartedly?

Tune In

Bengal Cat in the SunAs you stay tuned into Me, walking close by My side, guided by Holy Spirit, you will know the way to go. The decision will be yours on what you choose to do. I have much before you, things your heart desires of. You are my beloved; I want the best for you.

Ready, Set, Live

Margie - Burney Falls #1   I heard of a gentleman who worked in the library of a newspaper agency where files were kept on people. People were divided on shelves between the living and the dead. One day as he was looking through the ‘dead people’ section spotting a file on Jesus Christ, with no one looking he moved the file into the ’living people’ section.

   As we go into the New Year where do we have Jesus filed? Is he in ancient history, gone the way of the dodo bird, or is He alive in our lives?  Yes, He is the Ancient of Days; yes He died, but His story didn’t end there and neither does ours. There is no tombstone bearing the inscription “Jesus Christ, Son of God…He lived, He died, He will be missed”. Jesus rose from the dead, is alive today, as is his promises.

   Some people are just here; they exist but don’t really live.  In John 10:10 Jesus states “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”. Abundantly means exceedingly, beyond measure, great plenty, amply supplied. What an offer He has for us! With all offers we have a choice to make, do we accept it by coming into agreement with what the Word says is for us, instead of aligning with the gloom and dread with no hope of something better, that we often hear around us.  I for one lived in that world of no hope for too long, I have no desire to return to it; let’s choose the abundant life as we forward.

    Before we start thinking gold, silver, yachts, expensive mansions, and more money than we know what to do with, I think Jesus’ perspective on abundance is not material possessions. Many people have great wealth and vast possession yet are hopeless and depressed. Jesus is not against money or possessions – after all Psalm 50:10 says “For every beast of the forest is mine, And the cattle on a thousand hills”. Money is a source to meet our needs and a way to be a blessing to others, not the source of our life’s purpose. There are things of greater value than money can buy such as: an abundance of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, true friendships, salvation and eternal life, plus an intimate relationship with the God of the universe.

   This abundance is available through relationship with Jesus, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us”. Paul instructs us to “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God”. Is your life hidden in Christ? If not it can be, refer to “Finding Freedom in God’s Perfect Peace”, in this paper.

   Are you ready for the New Year? Are your eyes set on things above? Are you ready to live, really live?


Whose Voice

exotic bird-onlineI was taking a trip to Oregon; having done this countless times I have my route down with a preferred cut off which takes me from the highway over to the interstate I need. The evening before I left a friend asks if I had tried this other route they take, stated it’s a 10 mile straight shot which would put me on the interstate much quicker. Quicker sounded better so I thought I would try it, after all they sounded sincere in their directions.

   The next morning I turned at the designated location. GPS kept giving me a course correction back to the original path I was on; this is normal for a little ways before it recalculates a new course. A few miles into the “straight shot” the main road curved right. The straight road seemed less traveled so I called my friend to inquire about it, I was told to go straight, don’t take the curve. Driving down the straight road I become uneasy as it began looking desolate and foreboding. GPS kept saying turn around. I decide to abandon my friend’s advice and head back for the curved road. After I am on a path that will eventually lead to the interstate I receive a call, my friend looked on maps after my call and was now apologizing for giving me bad advice. They had thought of taking that road but realized they never had: further it did not lead to the interstate as thought.  The supposed shortcut actually added extra time, miles, and hardship to my drive. We were able to have good laugh and learned a valuable lesson.

   How often in life do we listen to a sincere voice only to discover it was sincerely wrong? Satan constantly tries to tell us all sorts of lies, they may sound good on the surface and even desirable, but are not for our well-being; remember the forbidden tree in the garden. The GPS, like the Bible, wants to show us the right way to go. If we go astray it will give guidance on how to get back on the right path. My friend didn’t intentionally lead me astray, however they are not guilty alone in my waywardness – I still had the responsibility to verify their advice instead of blindly following it. The same thing is true when we receive life or spiritual advice – we need to compare it to God’s word to make certain it aligns, so we are not led astray whether intentionally or unintentionally.

   Jesus said, My sheep hear My voice…and they follow Me. The question is – whose voice are we listening to? If it’s not Jesus’, He allows U-turns; He invites us to make a course correction back onto the right path. We were given a road map called the Bible; like any map we need to read it in order to know the way to go.

   Lord, open our ears to hear your voice.

Don’t Be Anxious

Rita - trees and waterMy child, do not be anxious.  I know not knowing what will be can be trying, let My peace fill you today. Do not try to plan for something you don’t know what you need to plan for, it expends needless energy and causes unrest. When the unknown becomes known then you will be able to make plans with facts in hand and a direction to go.

A Good Way

Rock StepsI have laid out a good way for you to go, one I know you will take delight in when you follow it. I custom designed it just for you knowing your likes, gifts, talents, and abilities. It has enough challenges to keep you invigorated and engaged, yet enough not to overwhelm you or to be impossible when you walk beside me, seeking my guidance and  wisdom. Shall we begin—today is a perfect day!

2019 – A Gift

Sunrise on Fields2019 is finally here, it has been a few millenniums in the making. What shall we do with the gift of 2019 we have been given? Yes, I call it a gift, a present, one in which we should engaged with, for God has created and entrusted us with it. Psalm 118:24 says “this is the day the Lord has made, We will rejoice and be glad in it”. 2019 is a year the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

   We’ve all come through tough and trying times, some more than others. David certainly knew hard times living in caves and fleeing for his life from his father in law, King Saul, though he had done no wrong; there was even a time David’s own men wanted to kill him after all had been taken away; but what do we find David doing? He encouraged himself in the Lord, another translation states David found strength in the Lord his God.

   There are days we don’t feel like rejoicing, when it’s the last thing on our mind; our mood is downcast, it’s difficult to look up or find a silver lining in the clouds. We find the Psalmists were right there with us, and they laid it out before the Lord not hiding their feelings from him, yet, as they talked with the Lord their prayers ended in praise. God has given us this day, this year, to know him more intimately, to serve him, to walk in his extravagant love, and to know his amazing grace; God still has plans for good, to give us a future and a hope; further Romans 8:28 states “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”; are these not all something worth rejoicing over!

   Gods’ looking for Kingdom ambassadors, not just inside the church but outside of its four walls; those who will take the Good News to others, who will cheer others up, be a support and encouragement; to share a kind word or smile, to let them know they are not alone, to give hope. We can’t all touch everyone, but we can all touch someone; maybe it’s the person behind us in the checkout line, taking our order, or perhaps dials our number in error – is it really an error or divine set up.

   Many things in life are a matter of choice; will we choose to seek first the Kingdom of God in 2019? Will we choose to rejoice in it? Will we choose to be Kingdom ambassadors in the home, on the street, or in the marketplace?

   What will we choose to do with the gift of 2019?

Let’s Talk

What are you contemplating, what things are on your mind? Bring them to Me, let us reason together, I will share My thoughts with you, reveal some things you are unaware of so you can make the best informed decisions. I will share My plans and desires for you but ultimately the decision is yours with the free will to choose; choose wisely, I desire the best for you, the path of blessings not curses, I desire for you to prosper even as your soul prospers. I love you, my child; as a good Father I watch over you, with open arms I welcome you into where I am. Come, come let us sit together for a while and talk heart to heart.