Category Archives: Love

Will You Be Mine

rose after rain-online  Have you noticed some dating couples are content with a casual relationship? They spend more time with their individual friends and separate interests than with each other? Then other couples desire to be around each other frequently, pursuing similar interests and common friends. Someday, they will fully commit to each and marry. Other individuals know after the first or second date that this is the person they will spend the rest of their life devoted to; the relationship is full of passion and devotion. The woman anticipates the day her beloved asks “will you be mine?”

   Do you see these types or relationships playout in the spiritual realm? Some accept Jesus Christ as savior, have their “fire insurance” so to speak; they are safe from hell but only spend time with Jesus once a week; they are content with a casual relationship, not wanting to fully give up all their old ways. Then others upon accepting Jesus pursues a deeper relationship, you begin to see lifestyle changes as they grow in faith, they enjoy being with Jesus and other believers; yet the ways of world still has some draw. While other individuals leave no doubt when they say yes to Jesus; having heard Him ask “will you be mine?” they are completely sold out, head over heels in love, fully committed with radical life changes. They strip off all the old garments abandoning their former lifestyle in pursuit of the One who loves them the most and set them free.

   I marvel at married couples move in sync with each other like a well-oiled machine, gracefully flowing together in a beautiful dance of life. They sense what each other is feeling or thinking without a word spoken; always being attentive to each other, wanting good for them.  I marvel even more when I see individuals flow in sync with the Lord, dancing the dance of life together. They carry the beautiful presence of Jesus; the fragrance of heaven is on them. They are tuned into what the Lord is doing and strive to do likewise. They seem to embody the oneness Jesus speaks of in John 17:21.

   When you take inventory of your spiritual life, where do you fall? Casual, sold out, or somewhere in between? Do you hear Jesus asking “will you be mine?” Jesus the Groom is already committed to us; the question is where are we in our commitment to him. He doesn’t want, and I might add He doesn’t deserve, a casual relationship with us. He desires a bride who will be committed to Him, forsaking all other pursuers.

   Have you? Will you? Say yes… whole heartedly?

Strengths and Weaknesses

armour-onlineI am the Creator; I have put all things in order and planned for your life. I uniquely created and gifted you for my purpose and plans, so there is no one better than myself to explain them to you. You are in a training ground, a place of preparation for the more, the next step; it’s a time where areas are to be worked on and developed are revealed. You have strengths and weaknesses, strengths have weaknesses and weaknesses have strengths. Strengths needs to be tempered with love, humility, and a dependence on me. Your weaknesses show my strength as you develop confidence to give me freedom to move through you. Life is meant to be a partnership, you and me, doing it together.

Still True

Heart leavesI love you, always have – always will. I know I said it before and it is still true; receive it as truth, not just as a head knowledge but as a heart one. That this truth be an inseparable part of you being, that no matter what life throws at you My love for you is never in question. When the enemy whispers a doubt you will with all boldness and confidence declare “this one thing I know is true – God loves me, always  has – always will. Satan take your lies and get away from me”

Always Have – Always Will

I love you, always have – always will; that is the most important thing for you to know. When you really grasp the enormity of what My love entails, for it covers every part of your life, all else will have less impact. I am there with you in the joyful celebrations, I am a present help in times of trouble, and when doing daily life.

Unfailing Love

rose after rain-online   The longer I live the easier it is to admit I make mistakes, and am grateful that God’s mercy are new every day. Per Isaiah 54:10 “For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faithful love for you will remain.  My covenant of blessing will never be broken,” says the Lord, who has mercy on you.
   A covenant is an agreement, contact, or promise usually between two or more parties for the performance of some action.  In this case the promise is between the Lord and us; the action being that God’s love will remain, it’s unfailing.
   I’m certain we’ve all experienced the hurt of someone leaving us due to conflict, death, moving, or other reason… but Jesus said he would never leave us, and others can’t make Him leave.    
   This doesn’t mean life is going to be problem free, it does mean He will be there with us during the hard times when others may leave us to suffer alone. It also doesn’t mean we will always feel his presence or that we cannot move away from Him. There’s the story of a couple riding in a car sitting close to each other, side by side as the husband drives, but eventually the space between them begins to grow wider until they are eventually sitting at opposite ends of the seat.  The wife longingly says to her husband she misses the time when they sat close together – side by side, to which the husband replies – I never changed where I was sitting.  
   Like our relationship with God, He never moves, He is right where he was, but for whatever reason, friends, busyness, job, etc, we moved away from him, quite possibly without intention or realizing it as it is happening. There’s good news, He is waiting for us to look His way; He’s saying hey – remember me, I still love you; I still want to be your friend. His love is unfailing.
   God still has good plans for us. Jeremiah 29:11 states – “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for harm, to give you a future and a hope”. I want that – don’t you?
   God paid a ransom to save us from the empty life we inherited from our ancestors. Do you feel a void inside?  It’s the shape of Jesus and He’s the only one who can fill it, stuffing it with anything else will not completely satisfy. Are you ready to walk in His unfailing love?   He’s looking our way.

The Scepter

The scepter is extended, My throne room is open for you to come before Me as my beloved child. I will not reject or turn you away; I always have time for you.

Hand in Hand

hands heldHow I do love you, from the time I conceived you in My spirit until the time you came forth from your mothers’ womb, even unto this day – I have loved you with an everlasting love. You are My child, I have watched over you, sending angels on assignment for your benefit. I have seen every hurt, tear, pain, joy, and celebration – and been right there with you in them. I know all about you, everything you have done, and still love you. I am the quiet voice in the stillness calling you into a deeper relationship, to know me as I know you. My hand is out stretched – won’t you take it? There is still much life yet to be done – doing it hand in hand with Me is the best way to do it.

Full Measure

river-krka-onlineMy love is not dependent on your circumstances; my love transcends the natural situations. My love comes from who I am and flows out to my children; there is no partiality in my love – I love each of you with a full measure.

Love Them

Heart sculpture - onlineLove…wear it on your sleeve, don’t worry about your heart – I will protect it. The world is looking for love, many in the wrong places as they do not find it in the right ones. Love…love them with My love, love as I love, there is nothing greater or more powerful than love, it breaks down walls and melts hardened stony hearts; Love…it’s what My kingdom is made of. Don’t just say you love…show it; express it with your face, actions, and thoughts. Love…it’s what the world needs and desires, love is who I am, what I am…let it be the same with you.

I Want You to Know

exotic bird-onlineAre you listening? I have something to say…I love you! You are the apple of My eye, the affection of My heart, the one I desire to be with, to talk to, to share what’s on My mind and make known to you the mysteries of heaven. Mainly I want you to know, and understand, how much I love you; it has nothing to do with performance, how good you are, or what you give, I love you just as you are, for who you are.