Monthly Archives: September 2016

I’ve Seen

enjoying-the-view-onlineI love you with an everlasting love, you are Mine. I called you to myself and rejoiced the day you came. I take such delight in you, from your very first step at conversion, to the learning to walk, then running after My heart. I have seen the mountains and valleys you have gone through to know who I am and understand My ways. You desire to be like my Son, to walk in My ways, surrendering all, forsaking all, for the greater prize. It is my heart’s pleasure to give you what you desire, for you desire the good thing.

Mournful Plea

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA mournful cry broke the silence of the night. A cry of desperation longing to be heard, a plea saying I am here – hear me, open the door that I might come in out of the cold night to take refuge until the mornings’ light.

My heart cries out, like the cats mournful plea, to be let inside that I might enter the sanctuary of Your arms, where I am safe and secure from the dark that bites at my heals.

This world, Lord, would be a dark and hard place if it were not for the light, your light shining brightly causing all darkness to flee. You set the captives of the night free, the snare of the fowler broken by your truth and love.

In the light of Your love and holy presence divine, I am healed and made whole in all that I am; in You I find my rest. Let me stay awhile in Your embrace, entreat me not to leave, I am nothing apart from you, You are my very life. My next breath and heart beat are in your hands; right where I want to be.

Lord, you heard my mournful plea and welcomed me in.

In my distress I cried to the Lord, And He heard me. Psalm 120:1

Temptation Free

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERATemptation Free! What a nice thought. The question is how to get there. Alas I must say there isn’t, pardon my language here but – bummer. According to 1 Corinthian 10:13 TLB “But remember this – the wrong desires [temptations] that come into your life aren’t anything new and different. Many others have faced exactly the same problems before you.”
You would think there would be some height of spiritual maturity that gets us out of it.  However considering Jesus was tempted, I would say we don’t get a break there either. Hebrews 4:15 “This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses since he had the same temptations we do, though he never once gave way to them and sinned.”
It’s attributed to Rick Warren the statement that “since God intends to make us like Jesus he will take you through the same experiences Jesus went through, that includes loneliness, temptation, stress, criticism, rejection and a lot of other problems.”  Often we admire Jesus, how he defeated Satan, outwitted the Pharisees and Sadducees, his great wisdom, the power and authority he walked in, the relationship he had with God and Holy Spirit, and then lightly glaze over the temptations, sacrifices and sufferings that contributed to who He was.

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