Monthly Archives: November 2016

Heart Beat

heart-beatYou are My heart’s desire, a treasure, one of great price which I willingly paid. Take my hand, let me show you the desire of my heart – do you see your reflection? All I have done – I have done for you, all with you on my mind. I extend my hand to you, a hand of love, of friendship, help, support, guidance and so much more. Take my hand; let me draw you in closer to Me, closer to my heart. Do you feel its beat, it beats for you, it beats with the tune of an intimate love song. Come let me lavish my love upon you and wrap you in My glory. Let me drape you in love and kindness, grace and mercy. Let me fill you with peace and joy unspeakable. Let me put my mark upon you that all the world will know you are mine, that you are My beloved.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe harvest, does it not belong to the Lord? Then why do we tend to work as if it belonged to us? If it belongs to the Lord, then we should do it as unto Him, following His plans for his desired outcome, then, leave the results to him. His plans are not necessarily as we think it should be. His measurement for success is not the same as ours, thankfully he has better calculations. What we may perceive as below expectations, or even failure, are in His book – considered highly successful. Let us remember to look to Him for the validation of our work. We lean to measuring by what we see in the immediate, external, and temporal, while He sees the heart, the spirit, and the eternal outcome.
It is normal, and befitting, to have expectations, desired goals, and plans in place, the Lord certainly uses those gifting in us; we also need to draw on His creativity and unlimited imagination for inspiration.  As we move forward, it’s imperative to be flexible and let Him direct our steps, to do our best in what He has called us to do, and let Him reap the reward.       
Take courage, when things seem to go awry in our plans, all might just be falling into the Lord’s perfect order. He has this way of working things out, taking our failures and turning them into His successes.
Seeds we plant may not be harvested this season, but in a future by someone else. A single seed that appears to have died, for we see no life coming forth, will one day produce sevenfold, maybe even a hundred or more.         
We can be confident that as we do our best our labor is not in vain, that the Lord in his timing will bring forth the fruit from our labors. 1 Corinthians 15:58 (ESV) tells us “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” 
God is a good – good God, who knows what He is doing. Our job is to follow Him, co-laboring together, not trying to lead or have it our way. Then trust Him to do what only He can do.
May the Lord richly bless all the laborers of the harvest with earthly and heavenly blessings, and prosper the works of their hands.