Monthly Archives: January 2019

Living God

Draw to Me and I will draw to you. I am not a god made of wood and stone who does not hear or speak. I am the living God who hears your heart cry, whispers in the night, the tears you shed, and the laughter that escapes your lips; I know all things and the way that is best for you to go. As you seek Me I will be found for there is no place you go where I am not. I take delight when you come to talk with me in the middle of the night or at noon day, when you set aside the time to spend it with me.  I know the questions and answers you seek, I’m glad you bring them to me and not look for the answers elsewhere, for I alone know all things, know all truth, and the deeper things you seek. When I seem silent do not despair or give up, continue your pursuit of Me – to know and understand my ways, you will find the answers and the richness of a relationship with me.

Press Forward

Sherry Flower - yellow.As you press forward you are not alone, others like you are pressing in to know me better, and the way they should go. Band together and journey forward encouraging one another, challenging each other to deeper levels, together you will go farther than one can alone. This is what family is, they hope for the best, they help each other through the desert experiences, they pray for and lift each other up. As my family I watch over you and I am there for you each step; you can turn to me in any situation, trust me to lead you. Dine together on my word, gathering together to talk about me, pursuing wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

Strengths and Weaknesses

armour-onlineI am the Creator; I have put all things in order and planned for your life. I uniquely created and gifted you for my purpose and plans, so there is no one better than myself to explain them to you. You are in a training ground, a place of preparation for the more, the next step; it’s a time where areas are to be worked on and developed are revealed. You have strengths and weaknesses, strengths have weaknesses and weaknesses have strengths. Strengths needs to be tempered with love, humility, and a dependence on me. Your weaknesses show my strength as you develop confidence to give me freedom to move through you. Life is meant to be a partnership, you and me, doing it together.

A Good Way

Rock StepsI have laid out a good way for you to go, one I know you will take delight in when you follow it. I custom designed it just for you knowing your likes, gifts, talents, and abilities. It has enough challenges to keep you invigorated and engaged, yet enough not to overwhelm you or to be impossible when you walk beside me, seeking my guidance and  wisdom. Shall we begin—today is a perfect day!

2019 – A Gift

Sunrise on Fields2019 is finally here, it has been a few millenniums in the making. What shall we do with the gift of 2019 we have been given? Yes, I call it a gift, a present, one in which we should engaged with, for God has created and entrusted us with it. Psalm 118:24 says “this is the day the Lord has made, We will rejoice and be glad in it”. 2019 is a year the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

   We’ve all come through tough and trying times, some more than others. David certainly knew hard times living in caves and fleeing for his life from his father in law, King Saul, though he had done no wrong; there was even a time David’s own men wanted to kill him after all had been taken away; but what do we find David doing? He encouraged himself in the Lord, another translation states David found strength in the Lord his God.

   There are days we don’t feel like rejoicing, when it’s the last thing on our mind; our mood is downcast, it’s difficult to look up or find a silver lining in the clouds. We find the Psalmists were right there with us, and they laid it out before the Lord not hiding their feelings from him, yet, as they talked with the Lord their prayers ended in praise. God has given us this day, this year, to know him more intimately, to serve him, to walk in his extravagant love, and to know his amazing grace; God still has plans for good, to give us a future and a hope; further Romans 8:28 states “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”; are these not all something worth rejoicing over!

   Gods’ looking for Kingdom ambassadors, not just inside the church but outside of its four walls; those who will take the Good News to others, who will cheer others up, be a support and encouragement; to share a kind word or smile, to let them know they are not alone, to give hope. We can’t all touch everyone, but we can all touch someone; maybe it’s the person behind us in the checkout line, taking our order, or perhaps dials our number in error – is it really an error or divine set up.

   Many things in life are a matter of choice; will we choose to seek first the Kingdom of God in 2019? Will we choose to rejoice in it? Will we choose to be Kingdom ambassadors in the home, on the street, or in the marketplace?

   What will we choose to do with the gift of 2019?