Monthly Archives: June 2018

I Want You to Know

exotic bird-onlineAre you listening? I have something to say…I love you! You are the apple of My eye, the affection of My heart, the one I desire to be with, to talk to, to share what’s on My mind and make known to you the mysteries of heaven. Mainly I want you to know, and understand, how much I love you; it has nothing to do with performance, how good you are, or what you give, I love you just as you are, for who you are.

Spiritual Fitbit

 worshi - online I see people get so excited about their Fitbit or other activity tracker, proudly showing off all it will do and how it encourages them to be physically active. A Fitbit can notify us each hour to take a stroll if we haven’t taken 250 steps in that hour; it can track physical activity, the calories from food we ate, how many calories we’ve burned, and how we slept. Now, before anyone thinks this is an endorsement for Fitbit – it is not; I have a mixed relationship with electronic gadgets; I think I’ll leave it at that and get back to the subject.
   Wouldn’t it be nice to have a Spiritual Fitbit? One that notifies us hourly if we have not yet offered up 250 words of prayer, praise, thanksgiving, and adoration; or tracks our spiritual life so we know when we are right on track or starting drift so we can correct course before we stray far. What about tracking our daily intake of the Bread of Life and Living Water to see if we’ve had sufficient quantity to avoid becoming spiritually anemic?
   A Fitbit will also notify us of an incoming call and can even display a text message. How nice that would be so we don’t miss the Lord wanting to speak to us. And, then there is the alarm, no more missing church because we overslept or sleeping through the sermon when it vibrates to say we haven’t moved in the last hour.
   With knowing our physical activity the Fitbit can track our progress and send us cheers for milestones along the way. What if our spiritual tracker told us how many we have witnessed to in the day or the week; would we be motivated to talk more about the Lord, and be about His business, if we were to see our progress in black and white throughout the day on a monitor?
   Then there is the heart rate monitor. What if our monitor displayed our temperament status, how our spiritual fruit is doing; would that be a good thing?
   I’m fairly confident technology will not develop a Spiritual Fitbit, but actually we don’t need it, we have something far better – He’s called Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit knows more about us than a tracker ever could and we don’t have to program Him or charge His batteries. We do need to understand how He operates, how to hear his voice, and to recognize His promptings. Thankfully we have been given a Manual, the Bible, and a private line to the Author to talk to Him free of charge. We should be aware of all the advantages there is to having Holy Spirit in our life; He will be our guide, teacher, comforter, encourager, counselor and more. Want to know how fit you are spiritually, talk to Him. Want reminders to pray, promptings and boldness to share Jesus, just ask Him for it.
   Let’s all strive be spiritually fit?

Is This For You?

I was going to post something different today but was impressed to share the following.

Someone is listening (reading) and needs to hear how loved they are. The world has beaten you down and hope is fading. You need to know that God is the God of hope who you can turn to, call out to, and share the deepest hurts, anguish, and feelings with, don’t hold them in; it is like a ticking time bomb, a pressure cooker, waiting to explode. As you release it to Him the pressure, the weights, you carry will also be released. He (God) is not the cause but He is the help.

There was a scripture John 4:26 “Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am He.

This refers to John 4:25, where Jesus is having a conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well – “The woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.”

To add my own comment, the Lord knows who you are, right where you are and the circumstances. He loves you unconditionally and is reaching out to you, do not be afraid or ashamed of anything, take Him up on his offer.


To those who have ears – listen, I was not born yesterday and am unaware of what you face or is going on in the world. I am fully aware of all things, including your specific individual situation. I know all things and the way you should go, trust in Me. When you think no one listens or cares, I do. When your heart is heave and burdened, weighed down under the cares of life and you want to unload – give them to Me. In those times you feel you are walking alone, look beside you – there I am; look ahead – I have gone before you; look behind – I have you covered, there is no where you can go where I am not. I would like to be more than a silent presence – include Me in the everyday happenings of your life, minor, mundane, and major, I’m here for you through it all.