Monthly Archives: November 2017


JoAnn beachYou do not need to fear what is ahead; fear is from the enemy to try and stop you. My word is go, but don’t go it alone – take Me with you. I know the way, the pitfalls, and undertows, I will guide you through.


armour-onlineRise up O’ daughter, rise up O’ son, it is not a time to slumber or sleep but to gird yourself for battle in My service. You fight many things because they do not feel good to the flesh – yet not a battle with a heavenly perspective. It’s best to fight battles that I am engaged with you in so you don’t fight alone expending your own energy to gain little. As Moses did not want to go where I was not going to be, let him be an example for you.


horses - onlineMy word says many things including you are loved, love one another, the greatest commandment – love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and love others as you love yourself. Love, the greatest of all is love, a pure love, sacrificial love, a giving love. Even as I am love, learn to be love, and share love; don’t be stingy or withhold it, lavish love on each other daily. They (the world) will know you are My followers by your love