Category Archives: Invitation

A Heart Matter

Sherry fb picWhen we think about February, Valentine’s Day comes to mind.  The matters of the heart; love, sharing love, expressing and experiencing love, all the warm fuzzy feelings that come with new love; the depth of care, concern, devotion and life bonds that come with a seasoned or mature love.

We see around us all the cute little cut out hearts with their simple perfect shapes, all nice and clean that come in various sizes and shades of pink or red.  But, if we look at the real heart, it is rather complicated, consisting of various chambers, blood vessels, arteries and valves; an organ that is anything but simple.  One that beats strong, sending life-giving blood flowing through the body; a heart that leaps for joy at the sound of good news, yet feels it will break under the weight of emotional hurts.  A heart that is tender and compassionate or hardened, one that can be full of good or filled with deceit, it can burn with loves passion or grow cold.  The heart of man (or woman) is a fickle thing and a mess outside its’ proper environment.

The proper heart environment for humans is in fellowship with the God of love.  I am so thankful for the loving heart of God that he has towards His children.  He loves us with an everlasting love, with the love of a good Father’s heart, from a heart of compassion and a desire for our well-being.  His love for us cannot be bought or earned.  He loves us because He is love and we are His children.  A love such as His may be difficult to understand as our only comparison is that of other people, some with good intentions but who miss the mark, while others use such statements as “I love you” to manipulate you for their own gain.  The Lord does not say “I love you” to get us to do something for Him.  His love is pure and undefiled.  His only desire is what is best for us; His love is not selfish, it is a sacrificial love.  His love will stand up to the test of time; it will not fade or be withdrawn.  His love is an everlasting love, one that He desires to make known to us, to all who will receive it.


rita fall sunsetAs you begin your day turn your attention and focus on Me, invite Me into your world, your activities. Keep Me in mind as you go, tune an ear to the sound of My voice that I may give you wisdom and guidance. At the end of the day come back and spend time with Me, let’s talk the day over and have a heart to heart time.


Need a breakthrough? You’ve come to the right place, snares are broken in My presence and darkness has to flee when I am released into the room. I am a chain breaker, heart mender, relationship restoring, death defying God who loves you and wants to see you free. Let’s do this together shall we!

Today’s the Day

Rita - church topNow is the time, today is the day, why wait to seek Me. Seek Me while I may be found, the invitation is open. You want the more of Me – ask; you want the breakthrough – I have the answer. What desire is on your heart – none is too great or too small to bring before me. I care about you and what’s on your heart.


Grand Love

Bible and flower - onlineThere is a love so grand, a love so deep that it is not comprehensible, that is My love for you. I have sworn an oath and made a covenant signed in My Son’s blood. Those who enter into the covenant have all My benefits available to them. I do not break My covenant with you, it stands for eternity. Wonder what it is? It’s concealed to those who do not know Me, but will be revealed to you as you search it out. Come and seek, search and find; I desire for you to know more of the One you are in relationship with so that you do not miss out on anything available to you.


Doors Open

forest-of-light-1502863-639x852The doors are open come on in. I am always happy to see you, sit with Me for a while, lay down your cares, set the busyness aside and just be with Me. Remember the day we first met and you invited Me in – I do; it was a special day and heaven rejoiced. It has been an adventure since that first day and we’re only getting started. Take My hand and let’s continue on, more awaits.

Who Will Speak

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI have much to say as the time draws near. I am calling all to Me, those that are mine that none be lost for lack of hearing.  I need faithful witnesses in this hour, those who will proclaim the good news. Those who will speak in the opposite spirit than that which is prevalent in the airways, those who will release hope, love, unity, peace, and Me. Words that will encourage the church to stand fast, to be strong and courageous, to not faint as the hour grows near. I’m not yet done calling my people home, but how will they hear unless someone speaks? Your words are far more precious than silver or gold, they are life – eternal life.

Sit with Me

garden bench-onlineIt is special to Me when you take the time to sit with Me, to have fellowship. It is what I desired from the beginning of creation, for My children to willingly come and spend time with Me, not to get but just to be with Me as the One they love, to have a heart to heart time with.


meerkat-onlineThose anxiously looking for Me and are full of expectation will not be disappointed. Even in the journey to know Me better will be riddled with many hidden treasures bringing delight as they are discovered during the pursuit.

Think Again

Sunrise - Red - onlineYou think it’s the same old day – think again. Open your heart and spirit to Me and see what I won’t do among you in this day.