Be Still II

You are my chigod-rays-onlineld, do not be anxious, I am right here, rest in me. Come away with me, let the current cares be set aside for a little while so you can listen to me. Let your spirit be still, trust in me and lean not on your own understanding. Remember, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; the answers you seek are only found in me. Seek me to find them , be patient for the coming answer. Abide in me, abide in my peace. Striving is counterproductive, it stirs you up causing restlessness. Be still, be quiet and focus on me. Breakthrough will come, it will burst forth as the rising sun at the dawning of a new day. I am the Light dispelling the dark , illuminating the truth, showing the way.

2 responses to “Be Still II

  1. Eleanor McCampbell

    Hi April,
    Your blog is again very timely. Just now I was asking when the breakthroughs would come for my family. And He answered in you blog. Bless you
    Love Eleanor


  2. Eleanor, I am glad the Lord answered your prayer. I love how creative our God is, the various ways He answers and reveals himself to us. Blessings.


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